February 3, 2014

A Well-Tempered Heart

I have often wanted to be a writer.

I have never had the fortitude to stick with it. I imagine that I have all these profound things to say, that I can make the words flow from my mind onto the page and they will be beautiful.

Then I read books that are so beautifully written, the I breather deeper. That I am lulled into the flow of the words, that I actually read the book slowly, because I am more interested in savoring the experience, than having it end.

This is one of those books. It makes me want to view the world differently, to follow my heart, to understand the world through stories.

It makes me long for simplicity in my life and thoughts to savor.

I love the words in this book, I love the pace, I love the flow, I just wish I was still reading it...

This post was inspired by the novel A Well-Tempered Heart by Jan-Philipp Sendker.  Feeling lost and burned out, Julia drops her well paying job at a NYC law firm. After hearing a stranger’s voice in her head, she travels to Burma to find the voice’s story and hopefully herself as well. Join From Left to Write on February 4 we discuss A Well-Tempered Heart. As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way when a book is so beautifully written like this one.



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