January 30, 2014

What am I doing on Superbowl Sunday?

I am not watching the Superbowl :) I have no allegiance to either team. Though I have been enjoying the "Weed Bowl" jokes!

My birthday happens to fall on or near Superbowl Sunday - with much to much frequency for my taste.  So instead of watching a sporting event that I am less than interested in (I mean, football, I really just don't get it), I've decided to take a trip far from football.

We're going to Catalina Island - you even get a free ferry ride on your birthday. I have a feeling it might  not be too packed while the world is otherwise engaged with football. What are you doing?

But I need advice! anyone been to Catalina? We're only there for the day. What should we do? What can't we miss? I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. My birthday also falls on or near (ok, on) Super bowl Sunday. I've been to Catalina many times (I even wrote the Catalina Book for Auto Club...back in the day).

    Anyway, here ya go:

    1. You MUST tour the Casino. It's an incredible building/remarkable architecture - you'll see once you go inside.
    2. Grab a golf cart and put around for at least an hour - make sure to head up to the Wrigley House for the view.
    3. See the botanical gardens if you like that sort of thing.
    4. The glass-bottom boat is fun.
    5. Original Jack's Country Kitchen is a good Cafe for breakfast. (most of the cafe's are good....)
    6. A bus ride to the "Airport in the Sky" is fun...you might see buffalo on the ride up.
    7. Walk over to Descanso beach to see how much fun you'd be having if it were summertime.
    8. MOST OF ALL - It's your birthday, so treat yourself to a Catalina Sea Spa massage.

    If you're taking a boat, ask about birthday specials - they'll give you some discounts to several attractions.

    That's my two cents.
    Have fun!
    Michael Lugenbuehl



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