May 27, 2013

Planning on Pushing Myself

This past week I decided to really push myself - to lift more, run more, sleep more, concentrate more...

This decision resulted in planning, as opposed to doing. I did all my workouts, but ended up with a super sore muscle in my calf, so didn't push too hard. I only cheated on my meal plan one day - I'm really missing CHEESE - so I broke down and ate some on Wednesday (do I get to blame a 6 hour meeting?). I also resolved not continue to wake up at 4 am. If someone would like to inform my two year old of this plan, I'd be eternally grateful!

I've decided to TRY and run a 10k in June - yes, next month. If it is not excruciating...

I will really train for a 10k in September. I was looking in to the Disney 10k but it's already sold out! Any other great SoCal 10ks in September?

So I more planned to push myself than really did. But now I have a great plan in place. So this week...I'm really pushing myself. No More Excuses :)


  1. I like the idea of sleeping more. I think us runners skimp too much on that!

  2. You can do it! Hope your calf heals up well, and that you can really push forward with the things you want to do.



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