October 1, 2012

Favorite "Green" Toddler Toys

One of the things that always amazes me is the vibrancy of colors I have strewn about my house. I am almost immune to the plastic toys that are littered in my den a.k.a. the playroom. I had planned on trying to find mostly sustainable toys - less plastic, if plastic - recycled. But, alas, this has not occurred. We have invested in re-used toys (i.e. craigslist or hand-me-downs), but many gifts are not really on the "green" continuum (other than being some shade of toddleresque bright green!).

In the future, I am going to try to 1) make sure and donate or hand down any plastic toys, 2) really think about my purchases in terms of sustainability (material, recycled or re-used etc.) and 3) try to make sure and give others "green" toys or books...

In the meantime, we do have some "green" toys that are favorites around the house. Click on the picture for more information...

First Blocks - These blocks are made of 100% recycled milk bottles! They are lightweight and easy to "click" together. A loves taking them in and out of the box in addition to stacking them continously!

Recycled Books - The Green Start series. They are made of 98% recycled material and all have stories relating to the natural world - including animals, gardening, natural sounds. They have eco-tips for parents in the back. I found these as a set at Costco!


Recycled Bear - Fuzz that Wuzz. This bear was a gift long ago - and A's first "favorite." His first kisses were not given to mommy, but rather this bear. It is made of 100% recycled plastic bottles. I must say it's amazingly soft for being made of plastic bottles!

We also, of course, love non-toy items...many creative ideas here!

Head on over to Growing Up Geeky this week to talk about Toddler toys - join the fun :)


  1. I personally get Destructo wood toys or recycled toys, things not made in China, etc. But you can't control the gifts the child gets. I try to just keep the ones he really likes and give the rest away. Honestly, he far prefers his wooden toys over the plastic, battery using, annoying song toys anyways.


  2. I will have to check for those books next time we go to Costco!

    We try to buy wooden and natural toys as much as possible, but we get a lot of plastic gifts. Oh well, what can ya do. The good part is the plastic ones break a lot faster and the natural ones tend to last longer. :)

  3. It's great that you put such an effort into having 'green' toys - typical kids toys can result in so much wasted plastic (especially the 'really exciting' toys that get played with once and then forgotten about :)

  4. Hi there ~ New follower from Toddle Along Tuesday hop...My daughter loves natural, wooden toys too!
    That's why I carry so many of them in my online stores!
    I wanted to get away from all the crazy electronics and go back to basics!

    Would love for you to stop by and visit Raising Reagan and my online toddler toy stores!

    Raising Reagan



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