August 28, 2012

The Dreaded Fitness Update

It's nearly the end of August. In trying to keep myself accountable, I am updating here, but in reality, there is little to update. I have not run a mile since my last update.

I have walked - not enough - but I have walked at least 2x a week.

I hiked twice.

I completed day 1 of the 30 day shred.

But really, that is the sum total of my exercise. I am embarrassed with my lack of exercise, but I need the accountability, so I'm putting it out there! Help me figure out how to make it routine...please! I know plenty of working moms are capable of making it why can't I?

Someone is very disappointed in my lack of running with him :(


  1. I can totally relate, I was doing so good with my workouts but I am low on energy and have been trying to get back into it. I also work full time and have two little ones.
    I am your newest follower stopping by from Mom blog Monday

    1. Working full time with one is hard enough :) I admire your effort with 2!

  2. It is so hard. Between working full time and chasing the boys around the last thing I want to do is move. Gotta stick with it though. I hear so many successful weight loss stories hit a "tipping" point that turns them around. I wish I'd hit mine.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement...I know there are successes out there, I just need to make them mine! :)

  3. 100 I claim it!


    Heather P.

    1. Yay, yay, yay! You are awesome :) Thanks for making my day :)



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