August 14, 2012

Living Green

Ok. So I think of myself as being "green." But perhaps I am not as green as I could be. No, I know I am not as green as I could be. I know there are some easy things that I can do to make my life more green, but like everything else...I end up just using the "I work full time! I have a toddler! I just don't have time!" excuse too often.

Recently I've been reading more green "mom" blogs...a couple of my favorites are Happy Mothering and So Easy Being Green. I both love to read them yet also feel a little guilt afterwards.

I was planning on being a "green mom," you know one of those cloth diapering, cloth wipes, make all organic baby food yourself, babywearing (ok, not really green, but seems to go with the territory), organic clothing, no plastics (well, now we are going too far)...kind of moms. I mean, at work, I just helped design a LEED platinum, net-zero building! But at home...

I now use Costco diapers. I never used cloth wipes (ok, once). I occasionally make his baby food (but he rarely liked it!). He has some organic clothing (mostly gifts)...if I think too much about this, I feel a bit discouraged. I had great intentions...then reality sets in. To be fair, we almost always buy organic food, we are mostly good abut water use and turning off the lights, we make the most sustainable purchase when presented with options

I know that I have to make compromises, but I also know that I can do much better than I have been. So over the next few months I hope to make some changes...

Ideas for our household:
1. Use reusable lunch containers
2. Don't use plastic bags at the grocery store (My husband is much better at this than I am!)
3. Replace kitchen lighting with LED lights
4. Reprogram thermostat
5. Grow more of my own vegetables
6. Retrofit toilets with dual flush

Suggestions and support appreciated :)


  1. Yay for taking a step in the green direction! it is so easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged when you start (or restart) your green living journey.
    Just do simple things to get started! There is no need to overwhelm yourself as you are setting yourself up to fail and that's no bueno!
    Pick a few small "green" things that excite you, are easy to switch to and will make a difference in your life. You will feel good about what you are doing and that will give you a boost of confidence to make another step in the right direction!
    Have fun! :)

  2. Good for you for everything you are already doing! I feel like we can all always be a little greener, but we should be proud of the changes we have already made too. Every step counts ;-)

  3. One step at a time is how I did it. You are doing great!

  4. Every little change you can make makes a difference. It is really easy to get overwhelmed at all the changes we need to make to live more consciously. I've learned a TON from blogs!



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