August 10, 2012

Decorating Tables

Another installment of the house tour!'s how I decorate my tables. Well, you see, I don't really have that many tables. My dining room table gets dressed up for company - usually entailing my wedding napkins and some fresh flowers. I love fresh flowers!

My favorite decorations? Probably on my first Mother's day :) Cute kid, fresh squeezed orange juice, amazing breakfast from the husband and fresh flowers, of course.

Here are some of the flowers in my yard...I rarely buy flowers since I have such an amazing array right out the front door!

My coffee table has been bare or covered with trains since A joined the walking. If anyone has an ideas for how to dress up a table with a toddler in the house - please fill me in!


The best it's ever looked? Again, the husband was involved (a trend perhaps?) - the day he asked me to marry him. Now, of course, candles aren't happening!


I think I'll wait a bit to invest in anything really amazing. Once the toddler danger is past. But I would love some inspiration. If you want some too, head over to Kelly's Korner to check out some more home tour blogs!


  1. My tables are as bare as can be---thanks to my wild little boys:) Totally know the feeling!


  2. I'm stopping by for a visit from Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life.
    I still keep the tables pretty bare even though our little one is now 20 yrs old.
    Have a terrific week.

    1. LOL - thanks for stopping by...maybe I shouldn't worry about my tables for awhile!

  3. What is that blue flower? It is so pretty.

  4. awww, love the pic of your proposal! :) Your baby is so sweet! I became a new follower of your blog! :) Erin

  5. New reader here and may I say youbare talented.
    I can barely decorate. My twins are 7.5 years old and these days they are curious to check details about every thing.
    So for now refraining from any sort of decors. ;)



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