December 2, 2014

How did I get here?

Sometimes I wake up amazed.

My life has been turned on it's head. In a good way, but still, it's not the life I was leading just a few months ago.

I wake up curled up in my bed trying to stay nice and warm - because it's cold! I live in a beautiful historic home in Massachusetts.  How did I end up in New England? I am a CA desert girl.

I live in an amazing community, with friendly people and friends that are always there to help.

There have already been three snow days - which thrills my son.  He is learning about seeing your breath and mittens and warm hats :)

I have an amazing job. I am trusted with an amazing responsibility and am so proud to be doing what I am doing. How did I get here?

I am a mom of two boys. Two. Mr. A loves swimming, legos, hugs and Santa. He is thoughtful, smart, funny and loving. Baby D is mellow, sweet, cuddly and a mama's boy. 

I wake up in a strange state as a mother of two with an amazing job in an awesome community with wonderful co-workers living in a beautiful house and think - how did I get here?

I am so glad I did.

This post was inspired by the novel The Mill River Redemption by Darcie Chan, about two estranged sisters who are forced to work together in order to uncover the hidden inheritance by their mother. Join From Left to Write on December 2nd as we discuss The Mill River Redemption and enter to win a copy of the novel. As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.

Head on over to From Left to Write to win your own copy!


  1. Thanks for your post, Meghan. I also sometimes look around me and wonder/marvel at how my life has evolved over the years to arrive at my current existence. :) Oh -- and your house is BEAUTIFUL!!! :)

  2. Finding a great community makes transition so much easier. I'm not a fan of cold weather, but I love how excited the snow makes them!



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