September 16, 2014

First Matching Outfits ~ Very Hungry Caterpillar PJs!

I had no idea how irresistible it would be to succumb to matching outfits. Granted I started with pajamas - but how much fun is it to dress up your boys alike? One itty bitty outfit and one adorable 3 year old???

Of course, the catalyst was seeing the line of Eric Carle sleepwear and playwear at Gymboree. Mr. A LOVES brown bear. He can recite the whole book!

Not only is he adorable (am I biased?) but so is his new little brother! I have always loved the Very Hungry Caterpillar and the incredible illustrations - so of course I had to buy them the adorable Caterpillar PJs.

I love that my son loves Brown Bear and the Very Hungry Caterpillar too - they were some of his first books. I had an entire conversation with his pre-school teacher about how great the artwork are for little kids imaginations.

The smallest size, 6-12 month is still too big for Baby Brother, but I had to try it on him anyway. He'll grow into it! I can't wait until the can both wear them together. They come in both girl and boy sizes 6 - 12 months, 12 – 18 months, 18 – 24 months, and 2 - 6T. I'm still debating buying the brown bear playwear for A.

In case my adorable pictures of my sons in their PJs aren't enough - feel free to enter your own photos in the photo contest inspired by Eric Carle’s Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See, from 9/2-9/30.  The contest is to encourage parents to help little ones take a picture of what they see. Submit a photovia Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr or via a designated direct photo upload site, using the hashtag, #WhatDoYouSee.

Entrants of the #WhatDoYouSee contest will have the chance of winning one of ten Eric Carle gift baskets including: A House for Hermit Crab book, a signed copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar book, figurines, stickers, The Very Hungry Caterpillar Sippy Cup, Chunky Colored Pencils, Match and Munch Game, Place Mats Book, and Stage & Play (Approximate Retail Value $144.99).

The winners will be announced on 9/30/14. For even more fun, download the iPhone app so you and your little one can add some Eric Carle fun to your photos and play a caterpillar game!

The partnership between Gymboree and the World of Eric Carle brings two iconic, parent-trusted brands together and builds on Gymboree’s rich heritage in colorful, quality clothing that parents love and children never want to stop wearing.

This is a sponsored blog post. I received compensation from Gymboree. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. Could these be more adorable???? How stinking cute!

  2. OMG I absolutely love these! I've been trying to convince my husband to let me get these for my son. Will have to enter that contest as well - thanks for sharing :)

  3. I wish these came in adult sizes, they're just adorable.

  4. Oh that is just adorable! Makes me wish my kids were little again!

  5. These are too cute! I would have loved this for my daughter when she was little.

  6. Awe! Look how cute! My girls love matching PJs.



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