February 24, 2014

Monday Matters

Sometimes it's easy to hate Mondays. Weekends are too short. Weeks too long...

But Monday does matter. It's the start of the week - nothing has happened yet - so you have the chance to be great. For those of us that love to plan - Monday is an open slate - it can even be exciting!

So I'm going to share my Monday's - which right now means organizing! But it can also mean what makes you happy on Mondays, what matters to you to get out of bed Monday morning, what's going to be important this week.

What makes me happy on Mondays :)

Come back and share what Matters to you on Mondays...

So what matters to me is catching up on how week 2 of organizing my life went! The four things I worked on were:

1. Invest in a calendar - a good one. Either electronically or virtual. I have a brand new planner from Plum Paper that I LOVE. I spent some time this week filling in important dates, meetings, birthdays, blog planning. I also synced up my work calendar and am ready to start the week on the right foot! I also updated the family calendar on the fridge!
2. When to say no...yeah, this one is hard. I hate to say no, even when I know I can't do things. I did not succeed this week. Will be trying harder next week.

3. Bring order to the thoughts in your mind - what routines can help me save time? I laid out my reading for the week - with realistic expectations. Made a lunch plan, including planning to make lunches the night before. I'm showering at  night, laying out my clothes, writing down my thoughts before I go to bed so I don't lose them. Trying to organize my habits as well as my ideas :)

What's on tap for next week? 
1. The Kitchen! I'm excited to analyze and organize it!

What's matters to you this week? Any goals? Happy moments to look forward to? Let me know :)

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