January 5, 2014

Happier at Home

The last few months have gotten away from me. I barely have time to put away something and miraculously, it is out again. The dishes are done - and then the sink is immediately full. I put away the duster and when I turn around, a nice layer of dust has settled in...or at least that's how I feel.

I know that being a full time working mom of a toddler is time consuming, and I need to learn to let some of it go, but I want to be happy in my home, and the fact that I never have that moment of perfect cleanliness is hard to let go. I have to accept that with a dog (that sheds), a toddler (like a whirlwind), and two adults who work, I might always wallow in half-clean.

So how do I tackle being happier with my home? The obvious answer, one step at a time.

Last year I tackled happiness with my health and fitness. I started eating healthier, lifting weights, exercising and running. I ended the year running a half marathon!

The year before I dove into blogging - "meeting" amazing people and learning tons. I learned a new way to connect to friends. I also got into gardening and grew many of our own vegetables.

This year I want to tackle happiness in my home. Whether it be a clean kitchen at the end of the night, a clear table at the end of the day, or fresh flowers on my table. I want to have healthy meals, a home that feels cozy and not cluttered. I want happy people and happy surroundings and a happy home.

Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I think I will take a deep breath and make a weekly cleaning list tomorrow. I will buy some fresh flowers (or see if there are any in the yard). I will tackle one small area to clean and take it one day at a time. 

What's on your plate for tomorrow? What one thing could you do at home to make yourself happier?

This post was inspired by Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin where she runs a nine month experiment to create happier surroundings. Join From Left to Write on January 6 we discuss Happier at Home. You can also chat live with Gretchen Rubin on January 7 on Facebook! As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.


  1. Tomorrow I'm going to Starbucks and treating myself to a fancy coffee! That will make me happy.

  2. I'm staying in today seeing as it's -12 degrees out. I'm going to spend it reading. :)

    Books We Read

  3. I listen to audio while at home working on projects - it seems to make the day more enjoyable :) I am hopingto run my first marathon this year!



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