December 20, 2013

Running in 2014

It's so close to the end of year. It was an incredibly successful year (in my humble opinion!) for me - running wise!

See what a happy runner I am?
I ran my fastest 5k ever, placed in my age group for the first time in a 5k, I ran my first 10k, my first trail 10k, and my first Half Marathon!

Not even sure what goals I can set for 2014 that will top that! I think my first goal is to run faster. I don't think that I am ready to run further - so I hope to improve my 5k and 10k times, and maybe try a 10 miler.

My current plan!
January: Camarillo 5k
February: Groundhog Day 5k
March: Great Race of Agoura 10k

What do you think?? I'm excited to run, but a little aimless! I need some goals :) Happy Running!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your goal can be around the number of certain events to run ("14 5ks in 2014" for example) or number of miles to run. Doesn't just need to be about speed. Good luck defining your goals and then reaching them!



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