November 17, 2013

Visiting Utah and Nevada's State Parks!

It's Monday! I hope yours is happy :) As I get ready to go to work this Monday, I started thinking about my last vacation...about how I didn't get to go the National Parks that we had planned to visit. Instead we visited some amazing state parks in Utah and Nevada. I love my job as  National Park ranger, and so was disappointed that we didn't get to go. However, I was completely surprised at how amazing the State Parks were!

While we missed out on Arches and Canyonlands, we got to see Goblin Valley State Park, Snow Valley State Park and Dead Horse State Park and Valley of Fire State Park. We rappelled, hiked, explored canyons and more. I had an amazing time. I will have to go back to see Arches and Canyonlands one day, however, we really enjoyed our trip even without visiting them!

What are you happy about? Anything you were disappointed in actually turn out better than expected? I can't wait to read some happy posts and comments :) Have a wonderful week!

So Welcome to the Happy Monday link-up. Link-up a post that made you happy this week, if you don't blog, feel free to write what made you happy in the comments. I'd love it if you'd link back to this blog and comment on some others. Feel free to take the button too!


  1. WOW that looks like an amazingly beautiful place to go visit!!! I am in awe of it!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!!

  2. OH MA LORD. How beautiful is that, that is now on my bucket list because oh my word, it's gorgeous! :)

  3. Those rock formations are BEAUTIFUL!

  4. Your pictures are amazing! What a beautiful place to be able to experience. We have a bunch of state parks on our travel list for when our kids are bigger.

    I'm happy that my husband just found out he's getting a promotion - woohoo! ;) Hope you have a great week!

  5. Those are amazing photos. That's the kind of vacation my husband would love to take!

  6. Beautiful photos! Looks like such a fun time. I love visiting our state parks here in WV=)

  7. What a gorgeous vacation you got to experience. I love when a vacation can turn out so much better than you expect due to random situations. Great time! We have some amazing state parks near us too!

  8. I grew up in Nevada and Utah, and I will never dispute the fact that they have the most beautiful scenery. Next time you make it to Nevada go to Cathedral Gorge. It's amazing and a lot of fun!

  9. You are such a fun mommy giving your child these priceless experiences! I love reading your stories and enjoying your your photos. Keep them coming!!! - jenny at dapperhouse

  10. Very pretty. I didn't know you were a park ranger...super cool!



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