June 14, 2013

Not So Easy All the Time

Disclaimer: I will receive membership in return for trying out and writing about the program for 12 weeks. All opinions are my own. 

I've been doing really great following the Revolt program - eating healthy and working out 5-6 times a week! Until this past week, that is. Yep, it was not so easy this week! I found that when I am home, in my normal routine, it is really easy to eat healthily and to fit in exercise - no matter what.

Travel, though, travel was hard.

I had every intention of eating well. For lunch...I ordered a turkey burger and a salad...wait, nope, my voice said french fries instead of salad. Oops. I was in sort of a sketchy neighborhood for dinner, so I wanted a drive-thru option. I knew I could get a salad with grilled chicken - and I did (along with some french fries- again!).

Yes, donuts and french fries are my downfall! See, I didn't buy donuts, that's a win...I did get peanut butter m&m's for the flight though. Travel food habits are hard to break...I'll try to do better next time!

My consolation this week, by arms are really starting to show some great muscles :p

Join us in the Revolt - and help me eat better while traveling, please!


  1. Traveling is always harder!!! I always want to try the local ice cream/ froyo and donuts (because obviously they could be so much different/ better than at home :) ) It's not that there aren't healthy options, but there are so many more fun not healthy ones throwing themselves at me :)

  2. I agree! I have been on the road for almost 2 weeks, and it has b een difficult to keep to my healthy eating! I'm a little afraid to get on the scale when I get home. The Revolt program looks interesting. Going to check it out.

  3. argh. the whole travel thing kills me too. also food blogger conferences. there's not much you can do there except behave when you get home!

  4. It's so hard when you are not in a routine--at least you admit to it--and know its tough so do your best to avoid those situations-but if you can't - you can't and cut yourself some slack

  5. It is not so easy, but keep up the good work and give yourself a break when you need to... great post

  6. Sounds like a great program! Thanks for sharing! I will check it out!

  7. I have been struggling some too -- it can be hard when life is hectic. But you're doing a great job, and it's a TOTAL win that you didn't buy the donuts!!!



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