June 17, 2013

Best Blog Design? Utterly Chaotic!

If you've been around awhile, you may have noticed that Crazy Casa K has a new look. I LOVE it! I hope you do too :) I actually sometimes just visit my site to admire the new awesome design.

I wanted a more professional look for my blog. I am not a designer myself and know where my strengths lie - so decided to find a blog designer to help. My favorite designer by far? Brea from Utterly Chaotic. Not only does she do personalized design, but she also has incredibly reasonably priced (and beautiful!) pre-made designs. This is one of the pre-made designs called Autumn Comfort!

I also worked with her on a business card - she offers matching designs for the pre-mades for facebook, twitter, business cards and a sponsor advertising section. I love the little house in "Casa" and she was nice enough to give me a matching watermark too!
The front of my business card!

Now, I've worked with designers in my professional life before, and I have to say that Brea was by far the easiest to work with. Not only is she a talented designer - she is fast, professional, amazing and nice! She has beautiful designs and is really, truly supportive and responsive. I can't say enough good things about her. I will definitely work with her again. If you are looking for a blog designer, I highly recommend her!


  1. Love that style very classy and pretty! I will have to check them out! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Finding a talented designer that's fast is very difficult! Brea sounds like a great designer and judging from what she did here on your online "home" she is super talented. Thanks for sharing her work with us!

  3. I love the new design! It's very elegant and professional, while still being fun! (:

  4. Very nice, and the colors go just right! I am in need of a new design will have to check them out too! Love it!

  5. Love this design! Such great colors, very classy!

  6. YOur site looks beautiful! Great job! Thanks for the recommendation!

  7. Love the design! I will contact her when I'm ready for an overhaul (soon!) Thanks!

  8. I really like the design of your blog, I plan to get my second one designed and will have to check them out when I do.



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