May 17, 2013

I Have so Much Energy!

Join the Revolt :) It's almost the end of week three! When I started this program, I was certain I was not going to make it. 

The food plan scared me. 

So much food - the same food six days a week. The SAME food 6 days a week. But...and this is a big but. It's been great. You make all the food for the week on one day. This means that I don't have to Monday - Saturday. With a toddler, this is awesome. I admit, by Thursday I am not excited about the menu anymore - but you can substitute meals and it is so exciting to have a new meal!

This week, we had coconut curry chicken. My favorite dish so far! I also love the mango smoothies :)

If you want to join - sign up here or click on the banner above. It's only $10 a month. I can't say enough good things about it so far. I feel great, have so much energy, feel stronger, happier, and am enjoying the great people that I have "met." Every month a new group starts - goes through sugar detox (yay bananas and eggs) together and bond over sore muscles and great progress! Next week I'll measure myself and see what kind of progress I've made with the numbers! I feel the progress, regardless :)


  1. I loved this weeek too! Can't wait to try next week stuff!
    The power pancakes are so easy and i really love them too.

    1. My two year old loves them too - double win!

  2. Wow, that sounds like an interesting plan. My curiosity has been piqued so now I have to go read about it. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This sounds interesting! I desperately need to make some changes to my diet and exercise habits.

    1. Definitely check it out - it also has an amazing support group!

  4. What a great plan. They say the most trained athletes, fitness competitors, etc. eat the same meals, day in and day out!

    1. I had no idea - that makes me feel a little better :)

  5. Oh this is the first I've heard of this! I'll have to look into it more for sure!

  6. I'm seriously trying to get into once a month cooking. My problem is that I'm just having commitment issues. ;-) However, a home cooked meal every night would be a great improvement for the family!

  7. That curry chicken is so good! I was off the wagon a few days but I'm back on now and so excited!!

  8. That's awesome and $10 a month is totally doable.

  9. I am interested and going to find out more. The coconut chicken looks really good too.

  10. Sounds like a great plan! I don't know if I could handle eating the same thing every day though. The curry chicken does sound really yummy though!

  11. I have to say that coconut is not normally my thing, but that coconut chicken curry looks really good.

  12. I've never heard of this program. sounds interesting. I love eating the same thing over and over again (it means less cooking!) so I wouldn't have a problem. That soup looks great! Can you post the recipe?

  13. You had me at Coconut Curry Chicken!! *drool* I'll have to look into this!

    1. I'll have to post the recipe! It's awesome!

  14. Great picture! I have been doing so good this year,but lately have found myself too busy to motivate myself to eat healthy. Thanks for the reminder and motivation!

  15. Very interesting! Love your pic! You are so fit!

  16. It sounds like a wonderful program with a few things that set it apart from other similar programs. You look great!

    Thanks for linking up with Fitness Friday!

  17. Sounds like a very interesting plan. I will head over and check it out. Great picture of you too - looking very fit and energetic!

  18. are the recipes vegetarian friendly in that program?

  19. You are doing a fantastic job! I find myself getting sick of the food too sometimes, but I love that I don't have to think about what we're going to have each day!



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