May 19, 2013

After the Fire

It has been a crazy couple of months around here - and one of the things I've let slide is my photography! I'm linking back up with "Scavenger Hunt Sunday," though this week I thought I'd highlight some of the photography from the other two awesome people that live in my crazy house :)

I love the fact that my husband and I see things totally differently! We would never take the same shot. It's pretty amazing to me that we can see such totally different things through the lens of a camera. He is very talented - so enjoy some of his photos today. There was an expansive fire in the Santa Monica Mountains last week, and he went out and shot some great photos from right after the fire...

 Ok, maybe there are four, but when looking through the photos it looked like they were all in clusters of three. No idea what the plant is, but there are still parts that are green!


Not even the sign escaped the fire!


Yes, I know the actual scavenger hunt word was "fence," but I just LOVE this shot, so I changed it to bench! How desolate it appears...


It's not that often that my two year old sits still for a cuddle these days - and why the shot is a bit blurry. It took lots of cars to keep him in one place!

This is the debut photo taken by my little guy! He was trying out taking pictures with the camera and this was the result! I love his little toes in the bottom of the shot....and that you can see his shadow taking the picture! Maybe he'll love taking pictures like his parents :)

Have a wonderful week! Hope you enjoyed the photos!


  1. I too like that last shot for all the reasons you stated.

  2. They are all beautiful photos, even those that show destruction from the fire.

    I live in the Los Angeles area and the Santa Monica Mountain range is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing these.

  3. These photos are really hard hitting...really great photography. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great photo's, that bench shot is both crazy to see as well as beautiful, if not for the circumstances. All your pic's are awesome, excellent family hobby.

  5. How sad so much burned. We have had our share of wildfires here in the past few years. Hoping there will be enough rain to keep them away this summer! Hoping the same for you.

    You son is adorable....and like other toddlers...too busy discovering his world to sit still for long! Be glad. The picture he took of the hands looks like a professional photograph. I believe you have another George Eastman in the making!

  6. Love getting different perspectives from the camera lens. My husband and I always take our own camera so we always get 2 perspectives and now my son has his own camera so we get a 3rd look as well. Love the toes in the picture!! Adorable!

  7. Perspective is an absolutely wonderful thing about photography. That's where the art part of it comes into play. :-) The aftermath photos are a beautiful commentary of how nature can both create and destroy.

  8. What great shots!!! I love the bench photo, too! My husband and I both love photography and same here....we see things through a lens so differently and it's really so fun and we appreciate each others' vision! :)

  9. I love your photos. How much fun to do a photo scavenger hunt too!

  10. Wow, love how real your photos are... thanks for sharing them

  11. Great pics! I agree! I love the toes! ;)

  12. Wow, those fire images really moved me.

  13. I love how nature perseveres and you could still see some green!
    Great pic with your kid!

  14. Great pictures - really love that bench photo and the last two are adorable!

  15. Wow the Fire did a lot of damage. The bench shot was really done well. Sweet shot of you and your little one cuddling.



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