April 10, 2013

Into a Burning Building

I know that I would run into a burning building to save my child.

I know this with utter certainty. 

Before I became a mom - saving someone's life was always something I thought I would do if I were in a life or death situation. Logically I could say "yes" I would put my life on the line for someone else's. I would hope that I would have. 

Now, as a mother, I know it. I don't even know how I can explain the change in certainty. 

My son is a part of me. He is my breath, my life, my hope for the future. 

My heart would break into a million little pieces if anything ever happened to him. I would have to be held back forcefully for me not to risk my life to save his. 

I love him fiercely.

I hope I never have to be in this situation, but I know what I would do if it came to it, there would be no doubt in my mind.

This post was inspired by the novel Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton. After witnessing her children's school set ablaze, Grace attempts to find the arson as her teenage daughter lies in a coma in Lupton's suspense thriller. Join From Left to Write on April 11 as we discuss Afterwards. As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.

Brought to you by the letter "I"
Part of the A-Z blog challenge.


  1. This is something unexplainable, except to another mother. I know exactly what you mean!

    New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge and I look forward to visiting again.


  2. The moment I gave birth I knew there was nothing I wouldn't do for my child...and sixteen years later, there hasn't been. Welcome to the group!

  3. Beautiful pictures! Just stopping by for the A-Z Challenge. Please check us out and sign up to follow if you like what you see. Juliet atCity Muse Country Muse

  4. I know exactly what you mean! Before having my kids, the idea of saving someone was purely conceptual. Now that I have kids I would totally run into a burning building for them.

  5. Great post and definitely know what you mean. Although childless i'd totally do this for my cats...

  6. Well said. I think any parent would agree. It's amazing how selfish we are pre-kids and how much we begin to live for others after kids.

    Have fun with a-z.

  7. Amen. How could you not? I felt myself thinking the same thing so often when I was reading that book... and how easy it would be to simply hold my breath if I ever needed to.



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