March 27, 2013

Inspire Powerful Action Monthly Blog Hop & Giveaway

As you may know, I've been trying to do things to spread some happiness in the world - today it's bringing you this blog hop! I've started celebrating happiness on my Monday Blog Hop and now I've found some other amazing bloggers to join with to Inspire Powerful Action! I love the blogs of each of the hosts and co-hosts and hope you will check them out :)

From your hosts:
Hi Everyone and welcome to the first Inspire Powerful Action Monthly Blog Hop and Giveaway. Not only will this hop bring you great opportunity to link up with some fantastic people but it will also offer you excellent exposure.  The Inspire Powerful Action Monthly Blog Hop has a reach of over 3 million and also has paid sponsorships on facebook and possibly twitter. 

We have some great giveaways this month for some of our participants.  The hosts and co-hosts of this hop have joined together to offer you one and two month ad space(s), promotional services for a month and a FREE copy of the new book "If You Plant a Seed, It Will Grow! which will come with the additional copy of the 2013 Online Resource Guide - Everything You Ever Needed to Know to Make Your Online Business Succeed!" 

There are many ways to enter the Giveaway so have fun.  Winners will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is announced.  We wish you all the best of luck and thank you in advance for participating.  Just submit your entries via the Rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Rules for the Monthly Hop: 

Follow the hosts and co-hosts!

Find lots of awesome and inspiring people to link up with.
We would love for you to add our button to your page so that you remember us and have a chance for future giveaways and hops. Click here to obtain button code.

Inspiring Powerful Action Blog Hop Hosts


Now let's get started - link your blogs and social media profiles up below.


  1. Thanks for hosting! I hope you have a blessed weekend! :)

  2. Thanks for hosting! I'm a new follower and I can't wait to read more!

    Holly at Not Done Growing

  3. Thank you, love this idea.

  4. I love this idea! Hope you have a blessed and happy Easter weekend.



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