March 24, 2013

Happy Monday - Happy Spring

I love spring.
I love the slight breeze, and the smell of blooming flowers.
I love the colors on the landscape, the sunny days and smell of barbeque.
I love blue skies and time for gardening.
I love the spirit of renewal and starting a new season with a fresh slate.
I love growing plants and little seedlings.
I love blooming lavender and even hockey playoffs :)
I love watching my son enough being outdoors - and learning how to weed the garden!

This year spring is even more of a season of new beginnings. The little guy started half day pre-school. Mommy was a nervous wreck. A loves it. Every morning he is chomping at the bit to get dressed and  go to "school!" He grabs his "backpack" and is ready to go! Before I'm even ready he's out the door begging to get in the car. I had to bribe him to take this picture - he was mad at me for not opening the door fast enough! It makes me so happy that he loves school and is so adaptable! (Everyone at school loves his hats, of course!)

Life keeps changing, every season brings new excitement when you have a toddler :) What's your favorite part of spring? Any big changes in your life? I hope you enjoy the Spring! I'd love to hear what makes you happy this spring - Grab the button, link up (or just comment if you don't blog) and check out the other posts. Please take the time to follow the other blogs and comment on them! Thanks for stopping by for week 11 of Happy Monday! Don't forget to stop by next Monday and celebrate some humor that makes you happy (appropriate for April Fool's day?)


  1. Sweet post! Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow up. My little one will be starting school next year (OMG)! By the way, I'm visiting from the naptime review and am now following all of your social networks :o) Look forward to visiting again!

  2. I also love spring, being out for a walk in the sun... amazing what it can do for your soul

  3. I love spring. Although I know it technically has arrived here in the US, it definitely still seems like winter here in Michigan. We are still dealing with temps around 25-30 degrees and are expecting a snow storm this week.

  4. I love Spring too. That means no more snow!

  5. I love the t-shirt in the first photo how cute and we are so excited to finally have Spring here.

  6. Spring! It's a time of renewal :) Too bad we still have plenty of snow and cold temps here in Ohio *sigh*

  7. This is a great post! I love spring and all the newness! Thanks for this uplifting post on a MONDAY! :)

  8. Cant' believe spring os already here!! It goes so fast!!

  9. Love spring! Love new flowers! New green grass! But.... instead, my kids built a snowman this morning. I guess, we're celebrating sprinter instead of a true spring! So, I'm happy this Monday because my kids were all healthy enough to bundle up and go outside! Thanks for sharing this each week!

  10. I love Spring, you can finally get outdoors and enjoy the world around you. Great post, your son is so cute.

  11. Spring is my favorite season, too! It sure doesn't feel like Spring here, yet!

  12. That looks so nice!!! I am ready for Spring!!!

  13. I love spring...I just wish it would get here! :-)

  14. Awww!! So glad he likes it! I love Spring too :] There's just something about it!



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