December 3, 2012

Holiday Confession

Pretty much every year, the day after Thanksgiving, I get excited about Christmas. I motivate to help get the lights up, decorate the house, and even get excited about Holiday baking! I start making lists for gifts, start shopping and wrapping. I have Christmas music playing non-stop :) I get those Christmas cards out the door pretty quickly and love putting cards I receive on the fridge!

This year, I just can't motivate. I'm not sure why. It's been rainy and dreary. Thanksgiving was early and some of my favorite people weren't there. I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. I'm even having a hard time getting excited about writing this post :)

A doesn't seem to have a problem getting into the Holiday Spirit!

Help! I need a jump start for the holidays. Any suggestions? I know that I love this time of year, I just need to get started! For more confessions, check out Toddle Along Tuesday hosted by Growing Up Geeky :)


  1. I'm excited about Christmas this year because my daughter is now at an age where she will (kind of) understand what is going on! I'm so excited to see her face on Christmas morning! I don't know what to say to help you out here, but that's what's pulling me along. After having a baby a month ago, I just feel too tired on my own to really get excited... It'll be another year that kind of sneaks up on me!

  2. Put on some Christmas music! That helps me :)



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