December 6, 2012

Getting Ready for the Holidays!

One thing that I'm really excited about this year is showing A our holiday traditions. I think he'll really be excited about the holidays this year!

From hanging Christmas lights, candles in the windows, baking cookies, sharing Christmas Eve with friends, special ornaments, Christmas songs, giving and receiving gifts to Trains :)

One of my favorite traditions is setting up Christmas Trains. This is a new tradition for me - but not for my husband, it's been part of his Christmas his whole life. We didn't set up the trains last year as A was just learning to walk and it seemed like a dangerous proposition. This year, my husband set them up (new and improved) in a separate they are easily rendered inaccessible if need be!

I love how they turned out! A was so excited to see the trains go all by themselves - and the real choo choo noise...such excitement!

Now it's time to work on trimming the tree :) I'll share some of our decorations next week. If you need ideas for decorations...check out some here!

Any old or new holiday traditions that you especially love?


  1. I secretly want to start a Christmas Village but I have no idea where to start!

  2. Your train village looks great! I know my train loving son would go nuts over something like that. Great tradition!

  3. My son would adore a Christmas train. I think he's still too young for one, though... I would end up with pieces scattered all over my house. Maybe next year! :)

  4. Growing up we set up my dads childhood trains every once in a while. I loved it growing up!

  5. Beautiful! My husband is a train guy as well so once he gets his table set up I will probably start a Christmas village for it :]



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