November 12, 2012

Gift Guide for Moms!

As a busy working mom, I rarely have time to shop for myself, but I have time to daydream! Some things that would either make my life easier, better or just more fun :)

Holiday Wish List

working mo gift guide. christmas gift mom

1. Fiber Optic Earrings - Occasionally I like to dress up :)

2. Ukelele - If I learn, maybe I can teach A? I hear it's a good first instrument....

3. Recycled Purse - Every working mom needs something stylish to take to work but also big enough for everything under the sun :) 

4. Automatic Tea Maker - In my quest to give up coffee, I 'm looking for easy ways to make tea!

5. Macro lens - my dabbling in photography needs some macro support ;)

6. Ipad keyboard - one computer, two adults, a keyboard might solve some issues!

7. Light and Mighty Shoes - yep, still trying to work on that running thing!

8. Fossil wallet - ok, in full disclosure, I already bought I need the matching purse....


  1. Number 7!! Those sneakers look awesome!

  2. I'm loving that ipad keyboard. How cool!

  3. I'm loving the sneakers! And I can't get enough Fossil wallets and bags! I have four wallets! :p

  4. Super cute earrings! Where'd you find fiber optics!? Anyway, metallics are "all the rage" this season, very envogue of you! :)

  5. I love the shoes, I need new running shoes.

  6. I need a new lens for my camera!

  7. Those shoes are really cute!!


  8. I need a nice camera, then I'd take that lens!

  9. We have a ukelele and the kids get a kick out of playing - although none of them really know what they are doing.



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