October 22, 2012

Toddler Obsessions

You may have noticed a lack of photos of A recently. Well, it appeared that we had lost all our photos...     a very, very scary thought! But now they are back. And we are backing everything up! I couldn't handle having no pictures of the little guy. Apparently I am a little obsessed about photos, as the number we "lost" was fairly astounding. Glad to have them back...now for some editing :)

But this post isn't about my obsessions...it's about A's. As a 21 month old (I can't believe it either), he is currently obsessed with trains. He is also obsessed with holding as many things in his hands as he can at one time (often times this means multiple trains).

He is very, very good at carrying three or four small things simultaneously. Curiously, they are never the same few things. Each day he becomes obsessed with a small group of toys, and must find a way to carry them everywhere all day long. Then it starts over the next day. A little hoarder perhaps? We recently got out the plastic jack-o-lantern for A to play with. Guess what he did? Yep, filled it up with trains and planes and automobiles :) Makes it easier to carry lots of trains around at once!

What things are your kids obsessed with? Anything I have to look forward to :)?


  1. He's so cute! Ben is just starting to like cars. It should be fun to watch!

    1. Thanks! Cars were the pre-train obsession...so much fun when he learned "vroom"!

  2. My ill one is obsessed with cars. He loves the matchbox size and will also hold multiple at a time. Your son is super cute!!

  3. What a cutie!!! Reagan is all about saying my favorite cuss word ~ dammit!
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