October 10, 2012

Fall Photography: Light

Week two of the fall photography challenge :) This week we went to a corn maze and A just LOVED running ahead of the rest of us. The light through the corn was amazing. I enjoyed playing around will different effects...perhaps a little too much! But it takes some playing to figure out what the possibilities are. 

Anyway, I had a lot of fun this week, both in the adventure of the corn maze, watching my son enjoy himself, catching the light in the corn plants and finding fun ways to edit. I hope everyone had an equally as enjoyable week!


For more great photos please check out the Nurture Photography Fall Photo Challenge!


  1. great shot of your little man cruisin ahead of you

  2. Such a sweet shot! You're right, that light is gorgeous and it looks like your little guy is having a lot of fun!

    Thanks so much for taking part in the Nurture Photography Challenge :)



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