October 8, 2012

Are Toddlers Quirky?

Why yes they are! I even have proof :)

He LOVES hats. Won't leave the house without one :)

Wants to go "nigh nigh" in a suitcase...?

Will Say "Let's Go!" and play with suitcases for hours on end...

What can I say about this one? Other than "Adorable!" :)

The latest quirk - he closes his eyes when he is full. Like if he doesn't see the food, it won't exist! Cute for now, I can only imagine it might be annoying later :)

Head on over to Growing up Geeky to see more quirky toddler habits!


  1. Adorable! My son is 16 months old, and wont wear a hat unless my father places it on his head. And it has to be on of my father's hats. He refuses a hat that actually fits him. hehe
    Cute photos! I love that face.
    Did I mention "Adorable"??

  2. He is soo cute! I love all the pics ;)

  3. He is soo cute! I love all the pics ;)

  4. He is soo cute! I love all the pics ;)

  5. Love saving these memories. Time goes fast and our memories fade if we don't have pics and written down 'quirks'! Love this!

  6. So cute! I loved putting hats on my kids when they were little too. ;)

  7. He is so cute. I have a 15 and 3yo, it is nice to get to go through all the innocent cute things again.

  8. It's hilarious some of the things toddlers come up with! My daughter surprises me daily - and it(almost always)has me rolling on the floor!

  9. This is too cute. I love the playing in a suitcase!

    Thanks for joining in on this weeks Toddle Along Tuesday!

  10. How precious! He is adorable!

    So glad you could link up at the Harvest of Friends Weekend Blog Hop this past weekend!

  11. Quirkiness is so fun! He's adorable.

  12. Visiting from Tottle along Tuesday. How funny on the suitcases. My Shirley Temple is the same way. I am loving this quirky toddler phase. So much fun!



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