September 24, 2012

The Third Person

Do you ever listen to yourself talk?

I find as a parent that I speak in the 3rd person...a lot.

As I narrate the world to A, I tell him that "Mommy" is going to do something. I don't tell him that "I"  am going to do anything. Why is that? I mean, he knows that I am him mommy, and we should probably work on some pronouns, but I just can't get out of the habit...I really just can't stop. I sometimes even find myself talking that way to my that is just wrong.

"It's called snow...Mommy can't make it stop snowing, sorry :("
"Can you make silly faces like Mommy?"

Isn't that weird? Do others do that? Am I alone here?

What kind of things do you say as a parent that you never thought imagined would come out of your mouth? Check out what other's have to say this week on Toddle Along Tuesday!


  1. I do the same thing! "Mommy is going to go to the bathroom... alone." is my favorite!

  2. I totally do that! And it drives me crazy!! I remember before I was a mom, listening to a friend talk to her daughter and thinking 'I will never do that!'. Uh huh... oops. "Mommy was a little naive" :)

  3. I do that a lot too. Recently I made a conscious effort NOT to and I've noticed Leila is starting to use pronouns too.



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