My favorite books growing up - unquestionably the "Anne of Green Gables" series. Set, yep, in Canada, the story of the over-the-top, courageous, talkative, word-loving orphan stole my heart. And there were eight, yes 8! books of her life for me to fall in love with. As a reader who inhales books, this was perfect.
I think I must of read each of the books multiple times. I just KNEW that in the next book she and Gilbert would get together and all would be well in the world. I wanted red hair so I could be just like her, alas, my boring brown tresses were never turning red :)

Then, when they made the mini-series, they cast an actress named "Megan" to play Anne (Megan Follows and Richard Farnsworth star). I died of happiness. I was nine years old and so very much wanted to be Anne. My obsession with Anne of Green Gables was never to be topped. I lived her life, breathed her breath - ok, maybe not, but it seems to me that's how Anne would describe it :)
I had (have?) romantic notions of Prince Edward Island ever since. While we are not visiting there this time, I hope to go in the future :) Apparently there is quiet an active Anne of Green Gables tourism market. AND there are whales nearby...Who knew?
So adding to my future Canadian travels...after the ice hotel, of course...PEI :)
DID love Anne of green gables! I retread these books every couple years! And I loved the miniseries although they differ from the book. Have you seen the newest miniseries where Anne and Gilbert are older and he's in the war? I did not like those....just so off from the book! I so want to visit pei someday!
ReplyDeleteI didn't like the new one either! but I still love the original :)