September 13, 2011


I have always loved dairy products. I am addicted to Kefir, greek yogurt, milk :)

So as I was looking into introducing A to yogurt when I discovered that you can make your own! I hadn't ever really thought of that as something even possible.

How much fun would that be? Now, I am a reasonable person, and realize that if I were to do this, I have two options...the cheaper, DIY option found here. Or I could buy a yogurt maker.

This could be so much fun. Any type of yogurt I want, adjust the tartness for me, for A. How much fun?

Now, yogurt is the source of my most embarrassing moment ever, so perhaps I should steer clear...but I am oddly drawn to the idea anyway :)

1 comment:

  1. i never thought of making my own yogurt. if you do make your own, let us know how it goes.



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