February 18, 2015

Birthday Snow Day

I had a birthday a couple weeks back - like every Monday this month, it was a snow day! We couldn't go too far from the house, so we snuggled in, took our time, enjoyed the day. I'm feeling younger this year, Mr. A says I must be so old since I'm 5 :) I'm apparently going to be so big and tall soon that I will be hitting my head on the fan! Of course, one must enjoy some birthday selfies too!


I've never had snow days before this year. There is a beauty in snow days with little ones. Finding new games to keep us occupied. Long naps, warm food, and lots of silly smiles. I couldn't ask for a better birthday.


I do know that I never had to shovel snow on my birthday before. I never had to chop wood or clean snow off a car. I never had to build a fire or really paid attention to Puxatany Phil before. The groundhog said there will be six more weeks of winter. I believe him 100%. I'm getting better at building fires and shoveling snow...new skills for a new year :)

1 comment:

  1. Snow and kids are a pretty epic combination. I am glad you enjoyed.



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